New one from the Melkor Sluts series.
Let me know what you guys think.
Slutty Jessie has been uploaded to the gallery here
Also, this week, we're changing it up a bit. We are opening the site up for Free Registration so users can have a free account. These users will be able to comment on all the free content in the site and take part in polls. You'll also get free features with FLAA under FLAA HUB. I'll be posting when your able to signup later this week. In the mean time enjoy the free galleries section which I plan on keeping updated. I've also added a new section for all my pay supporters under the retittled Melkor Premium call Newest Pin-ups. Here I'll be adding detailed, colored pinups for you guys to enjoy. I have more plans to come for the website in the future. Being able to share more of my work with you all and to also give my supporters more rewards is the main plan. Thank you again for all the comments and support. You guys mean the most.
If you have not seen the free version of Slutty Jessie. Check it out here Slutty Jessie(sketch)